Transition to the Other Side

Every death is different, and every soul’s response is different. In a sudden death, the person may initially feel confused or disoriented. This is especially true if the death was due to an accident. If someone departs after a slowly advancing illness, there may be the rush of relief as they release a painful time.  The way Spirit has explained it, using Jean’s imagery, is the transition is comparable to a woman’s wearing a corset all their life; when she reaches the other side, she gets to take it off and expand into her spirit self.  Imagine the freedom!

Some people fade into death (as in dementia where they are between awareness of this world and the other side).  Some resist it because of fear of the unknown. Some welcome death knowing they are returning to their true spiritual home.  The further evolved a soul, the less they often fear death.  They remember “home” as a place of unconditional love and peace, a rejoining with one’s true family.  They have transitioned multiple times, choosing to travel to both this plane and other planes. They are familiar with the transition process.

As the dying one enters the other state of being, I perceive it in different ways when I’m channeling. Some newly deceased feel peace, see colors. Others hear music; some notice bell-like sounds. Some experience moving through a viscous substance, like water, (often because they were tactile people on earth)!  Others focus on the Light.

The sense of peace, and vastness, of organization and purpose, a feeling of a network beyond our human mind’s understanding occurs—but often not at once. Some transition slowly in the process.  And there are always beings of Light to greet and welcome the newly departed from the earth.  These can be an angel, spirit guide, loved one, or even a pet.

The inevitable flowing towards one’s soul group is automatic and moves at a different pace for everyone, depending on how long it takes one to re-acclimate to the other side.  Eventually, all experience what I call the “period of review”.  It is not judgment day—there is no punitive accounting for earth actions.  Instead, it’s a review and evaluation of one’s sojourn on earth, comparing one’s initial trajectory and purpose with what occurred.  Was one successful in accomplishing what they had hoped to learn on earth?  Many may feel a sense of regret now that they’ve finished their earthly life.  And they know that they will continue to learn—on the other side or by reincarnating on earth or another plane.


Throughout this experience of transition and arrival on the other side, there is support, a sense of vastness, and an awareness of being encompassed in unending and unconditional love.


Hypnosis for Dynamic Change


The Power of Words